Extent of a meridian.

At a motion along a meridian from equator on all parameters the coefficient of swerving influences. On a pole, we know, that it{he} is equal:
К=1,887х10^12. This coefficient is equal to the attitude{relation} of planetary radius to radius of a parallel of the viewed coordinate.


The pole is at latitude:


The length of a meridian from equator up to a viewed coordinate point with latitude a - is product of length of an arc from equator up to a point with latitude a on coefficient of swerving.


For a presence{finding} of all length it is necessary to solve integral in limits 0 - 89,9999.... degrees:


The solution of this integral is the Taylor series. We shall not solve a Taylor series, and we shall solve a problem pictorially. The length of a meridian is a projection of a meridian arc to a plane transiting vertically through zero latitude (fig. 64).
The line of a projection transits through a critical point with radius:




* - length of a quarter of a meridian

The breadth of a planetary strip is equal:


Our planet perceived by us - only a narrow strip of the information on a planetary strip. We shall discover the area of a planet:


The area could be found, also, through coefficient of swerving:


Where: S0 - a surface area of a planet perceived as an orb.
Thus, we could find the true area and, hence, the true extent of a meridian more prime expedient, having taken advantage of coefficient of swerving, but the activities done above are more indicative.
At a motion from equator to a pole the gravitational mass decreases proportionally to coefficient of swerving, but the law of conservation of momentum is fulfilled, hence, velocity which cancels major extent of a meridian proportionally grows. The apparent uniform motion signifies, there is a motion accelerated, and overloads which the observer should experience{test}, are cancelled by diminution of his{its} gravitational mass.
Let's discover geographical coordinate where light pressure and Space - times are compared. Pressure of Space - time changes under the law :

*, and light pressure *

Pt = Pc


Then the radius of equal pressures will be equal:


Thus, the pole where we cannot hit, has diameter 2,88м. Inside a pole to centre the light pressure increases by six orders and, therefore, going on a pole, we necessarily "shall miss and appear in the next hemisphere as equal in effect all forces it will be always guided along a line of a pole.
At a motion to a pole the gravitational mass decreases, but she{it} cannot be less substationary, therefore it is necessary to find a critical point of a pole where the lepton can have a gravitational mass.
The gravitational mass decreases concerning equator under the law:

*; substationary under the law - *

Coefficient of swerving for equal masses:


We improve radius of a pole and a breakdown speed of a lepton:


Actually the pole has diameter of eight centimeters. Thus velocity of a lepton on a pole:


Actual breadth of a planetary strip:


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